Hiya Scentsy and Grace Adele fans – well i apologies right now for being such a shoddy blogger, if i was not my own boss i would fire me! BUT before you send emails telling me I left you high and dry and starved of Scentsy news and titbits…i have a very good, pint-sized and rather cute excuse…
Good excuse huh – yes let me introduce you to the very beautiful, adorable Theia, our daughter and newest member of the wickfreecandles.net team. Theia was born in late November and was 9lb 12oz, 55 cm, 9 days late, induced, natural birth (just some gas and air) and hurt like mad!!! So that’s the facts…and the reality is I couldn’t really work/write blogs at all for the first month – my head and body were not able. She wasnt a sleeper you see…sleep was what we did in the day time and screaming or feeding was for night time!! Thankfully we have sorted this and have worked the Scentsy since boxing day – but NOT blogging due to no time 😉
Here we are trying to get the work and baby life balance sorted – i am not sure it will work when she is a toddler. I have moaned a few times that i dont get maternity leave or pay as i am working as much as i can so we can enjoy life. However then i also know that, whilst i dont get to spend 18-26 weeks at home resting and cooing over Theia, I will be working from home for the rest of her childhood. And its a cool thing to be there all the way through her formative moments and i am so glad to be a work from home mum and Scentsy Family Director.
I may not be blogging much, have time to brush my hair or resting as much as the physio etc want but I have a chance to bond with Theia longterm that i never had with my other children. Bear with me as normal service on the blogs returns over time, infact sit tight and enjoy seeing Theia grow up as i share some of our best moments with you, my Scentsy friends. Well i hear a little person crying for me so i bid you farewell…not for long though i promise – i will make blogging and babies work!
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