Have you thought about up-cycling an empty Scentsy Bar clamshell?
Sustainability is still a key issue at the moment. We’ve became aware to a much greater degree of how our actions contribute to climate change over the past few years. Despite what you might think, even the smallest changes can make a difference!
For us these changes include things like using reusable water bottles and shopping bags, and keeping up with our recycling. And of course, reusing things where we can. Like empty Scentsy Bar holders!
This idea happened because we’ve had limited access to recycling facilities during the Coronavirus lockdown. We can’t just pop out like we used to to recycling points. We’re storing a lot of our recycling in bags in the meantime.
We’d wanted to plant and grow some herbs in our new place, but as the garden centres were closed we couldn’t get little pots to germinate the seeds in. So we had a brainwave and looked at what we could reuse!
Turned out an empty Scentsy bar clamshell was perfect – and from this we got more great ideas for reusing them!
Here’s our top six ideas for up-cycling an empty Scentsy Bar clamshell:

1. Seed Germinator
The little individual sections are PERFECT for germinating seeds. Cut off the lid and you’re good to go!
We had the compost and the seeds already, and just needed a little nursery to grow them. They look very neat and inoffensive too lined up on the windowsill.
If watering them is a little fiddly an option is to poke holes in the bottom of the individual sections, then place on a shallow plate or tray and simply put the water in there!

2. ‘Man-Clutter’ Organiser!
Alexandra here! I don’t know about you, but I’m always finding little screws and bits lying around – especially in drawers and containers around the house! I collected them and popped them into an empty clamshell with lid, and they’ve found a new home!
They’re easy to stack and store neatly, and you can see at a glance what’s inside! You can even theme them – have one with a mini picture hanging kit for example, ar one just with different sized washers.

3. Paint Pots!
Our little lady Theia is doing a lot of crafting at the moment. – She REALLY loves painting. Her table gets cluttered easily with all of the pots with different colours – so we had the idea of using an empty clamshell!
It’s simple, neat, and if you cut the lid off (otherwise it can overbalance) and keep it you can stop any leftover paint from drying out.

4. Mini Craft Kit
We had this idea after tearing our hair out dragging the big crafting box out every day. It would be upended everywhere by Theia within minutes.
Taking inspiration from the ‘Man-Clutter’ solution we made mini craft-packs, so she can take one out at a time. There’s not so much mess and having limited choices of what to use gets her creativity going too. Win win!

5. Small Toy Storage
We were forever looking for solutions for counting all of the little bits and pieces that come with having a six year old. Theyseem to breed when you’re not looking – lego, toys from magazines and kinder-eggs.You know what we’re talking about if you’re a parent!
The clamshell is PERFECT! Again you can organise how you like. They’re also really handy (with the lids cut off) for popping into the LEGO box for sorting the little bits and pieces when you’re trying to build something.

6. Office Storage
If you’re anything like us you’ll often fins your office supplies are scattered to the four winds! Especially with working exclusively from home…
We had the idea of up-cycling an empty Scentsy clamshell as a holder for all those little bits and bobs that clutter up your desk! Problem solved – and they stack neatly inside a drawer too.
They say a cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind. WE certainly feel calmer and more productive when we know exactly where to put our hands on things when we need them!
So there you have it – our ideas for up-cycling an empty Scentsy Bar Clamshell! Do you have any other ideas? We’d love to hear them in the comments below!
PS. If you’re running short of Scentsy Bars check out our selection in our online store – we have some great new fragrances!