Scentsy is now available in 14 countries for buying products or becoming a Scentsy consultant.
These are the countries Scentsy is available in for buying the products or joining as a Scentsy Consultant:
Scentsy UK
Scentsy Ireland
Scentsy Austria
Scentsy Canada
Scentsy France
Scentsy Germany
Scentsy Spain
Scentsy USA
Scentsy Mexico
Scentsy Netherlands
Scentsy New Zealand
Scentsy Australia
In Scentsy Italy and Scentsy Luxembourg we are only open for buying Scentsy right now.
To Buy Scentsy in UK and Europe click here for our affiliate Scentsy site . Once on the site change the flag to your country and start shopping. The flag is on the top menu bar on PC/MAC or bottom of menu on mobiles.
To buy Scentsy outside of the UK and Europe please contact us to recommend a local Scentsy consultant.
Are you wanting to become a Scentsy consultant or open a Scentsy account for your personal shopping? Please message us here to chat.