Wickfree Family Enjoy Scentsational Trip to The Netherlands
As Scentsy Business Leaders we are able to work our business whilst enjoying amazing family holidays. Our latest trip took us to five countries in two weeks as we toured Northern Europe over easter, visiting some of our Scentsy Consultants and Customers and taking in the sites and sounds of The Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. One thing we love about living in europe is how diverse cultures all live side by side. Within one car journey we can drive three countries, enjoy trying to speak three new languages whilst trying to order the varied local cuisine of each area.
Our visit to the Netherlands saw us delivering some new Scentsy Bars and Warmers out to a few customers in Zeeland area. Customers always laugh that our Scentsy Warehouse is in the Netherlands, and yet the parcels had to come ot me in Spain and be brought up in the car 😉 I cant wait for the day we can welcome Scentsy consultants in the Netherlands and help them learn to sell Scentsy. After we played Postman Pat we took time out to visit the stunning Veere and Middelburg, shopping of course meant checking out what Candles you love in the Netherlands and checking out if Scentsy has any competition – it doesn’t lol.
I hope you enjoy this little video of the Wickfree Family’s trip out in the Netherlands. And of course if you want to buy Scentsy or register an interest in selling Scentsy in the Netherlands (should we ever open there) please contact me here.