Stitch and Angel – Scentsy Buddies and Scentsy Bars Bundle

Disney’s Stitch & Angel Scentsy Buddy Are Released

STOP PRESS….Stitch Scentsy Wax Warmer is released 22 March 2021 We release our limited edition, collectable Scentsy Stitch Wax Warmer from 7pm 22 March 2021. We will release it on our Scentsy site for sale, and expect an immediate sell out. When this happens we hope there will be a chance to pre order a…

Millennium Falcon™️ Scentsy Warmer

Millennium Falcon™️ Scentsy Warmer

Calling all Star Wars Fans – we are launching the ultimate Millennium Falcon™️ Scentsy Warmer The final episode in the Star Wars™ Skywalker film hits cinemas 20 December, and anticipation is at fever pitch. So our new Star Wars™ Collection, including the epic Millennium Falcon™ Scentsy Warmer, are out-of-this-world gift ideas. It’s great to have something collectable…

Star Wars Scentsy Collection Spoilers

Star Wars Scentsy Collection Leaked

SPOILER ALERT FOR ALL STAR WARS FANS AS LAUNCH OF THE RISE OF THE SKYWALKER FILM DRAWS NEAR Well what a day for the Wickfree Family – we saw the New Star Wars Scentsy Collection leaked. The leaked images and link on were removed within moments of the leak however we got that screen…